Luchtenburg Academy
Friday, September 08, 2006

The last week of August we took a daytrip up to beautiful Golden Gate Park. As you can see, we all had loads of fun. We hiked the Raccoon Trail, which was 3.5 miles total. Even Brianna made it the whole way without having to be carried! We found Neal's tree and got new pictures of everyone on it, and found a new tree for Brandon that I had to lift him up into: and he weighs 120 lbs!

Katie and Brianna got Junior Ranger badges for completing the booklets while we were out and about. We had to visit different sites, interview a ranger, and investigate stuff at the visitor's center, even went on a scavenger hunt.

"The Tree"

Such a beautiful meadow!

Brianna will be having her brain surgery on September 25th. It will be a hemispherectomy, where the remove the right hemisphere of her brain. This is an extreme surgery to hopefully correct the lifelong seizures, strokes, headaches, and learning disabilities she has suffered for the last 12 years. So in addition to preparing ourselves for the surgery itself, we have a lot of work to do here at home. Brianna has slept with Neal and I for all of her life and doesn't have her own room. She will need a bed to recover in, and we are renting a hospital bed for the first month.
So, we have been boxing up Brandon's stuff (he's a teenager so there is junk piled kneehigh) and boxing up the den. We need to paint both rooms, and Brandon will be moving downstairs. Brianna will get his old room, painted and decorated with Spiderman. Boy will she be in heaven! Brandon's new room will be gray and black. He has a beautiful dragon cross-stich he is modeling the whole room after.
I keep Brianna's carepage updated as the surgery draws near, and am sure I will be writing new updates every day while she is in hospital. Check it out at, BREEZYMAE.