Well, its August and we are getting ready for Back to School. School starts for the Luchtenburg Academy August 28th. Katie will be starting 2nd grade, Brianna 7th, and Brandon is a 9th grader. One project the girls and I have started is a book club for 2nd and 3rd graders. We meet once a month and discuss fun books, do activities and just chat. Its a great way to meet new friends! Brandon is looking forward to earning his Life scout rank in Sept, and then will start working on his Eagle project. He is also wanting to join the Civil Air Patrol, but we will see how well he keeps up with his homework first! Here is a picture of Brandon at Scout Camp this summer. They went to Medicine Mountain Scout Ranch in South Dakota.

Brianna has yet to have her brain surgery, so we are just plugging right along with our regular schedules as long as we can. If it gets scheduled in Sept or Oct, we will all be taking off school for a few weeks!
Here she is in Detroit with Sturge-Weber partner Larry Gelfund: