Luchtenburg Academy
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Here is our little "pumpkin", as seen in Cinderella last month. She sang a cute little song with Patches the beggar. Her next show is this Friday evening at 6 pm at Brighton Highschool. She is a busy little bee in Rumplestiltskin.

Here she is back in March in her debut performance as "Abigail" in Catacombs, a full length drama.
She had several scenes including a sick scene, and a death scene.
These are last year's school pictures:

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Welcome to the Luchtenburg Academy. Here is where you can check up on our school progress and projects, and what are family is up to throughout the year. Its summer vacation here at the Academy! Brandon and Katelynn went to New Hampshire to bring back their cousins Jake and Justin. Brandon is now at Scout camp in South Dakota with Dad, and Katelynn is going to the cabin in Wyoming with the cousins. They will probably visit Yellowstone while they are up there. Katelynn got to perform in a summer play Cinderella, and is auditioning for Rumplestiltskin next week.

Brianna and I have been doing nothing much, as she has been in and out of the hospital since April. We did some swimming and saw a movie, but mostly I'm getting ready for school to start in Sept. Some time this year Brianna will be having brain surgery. Her Care page is at and her page name is BREEZY MAE. You can check out her status there.